Saturday, April 27, 2019

Recuperation journey: Not the Valley, but nearby in downtown Milford

After dropping off my son at the Milford train station Easter evening I noticed the sunlight shining on First United Church of Christ  across from the Milford duck pond.
I took this from River Street on the other side of the pond.

Griffin Hospital in Derby to host talk for caregivers of special needs students

DERBY - The Community Health Resource Center at Griffin Hospital will host a free talk to help caregivers of students with special needs advocate for their loved ones' education at 6:30 p.m. May 9.

Kevin Daly, Health Care Information Specialist with PATH Parent to Parent/Family Voices of Connecticut, will lead “The ‘Soft Skills’ of Special Education Advocacy,” a presentation for parents of students with disabilities who want to sharpen their advocacy skills. 
Topics include: best practices for school-home communications; how to get involved in the decision making process; how to prepare for school meetings (including PPT and 504); obtaining a free copy of your child’s school records; where to find help when you need it.

Daly has worked as a special education advocate with hundreds of Connecticut families for more than 20 years.
PATH/FVCT is a statewide grassroots parent organization that has been around for over 30 years. 
PATH/FVCT is dedicated to offering excellence in emotional and informational support to families, promote partnerships with families of diverse backgrounds and collaborate with healthcare providers and community organizations to improve services and policies that serve our children. 
PATH/FVCT has the support of two of the largest networks of families of children with unique abilities and special health care needs.

Free educational forums
This program is part of a series of free, educational forums hosted by the Community Health Resource Center in an effort to help improve the health of the community. 
To register or for more information, call Kerry or Deborah at 203-732-7399. The hospital is at 130 Division St.

The Community Health Resource Center at Griffin Hospital is a traditional library that provides an array of medical and health information, including a large collection of easy to read health and lifestyle related materials. 

The Center is open to the public to educate themselves on ways to enhance their well-being, prevent illness, and play an active role in decisions about their health.

This is a press release from Griffin Hospital.

Recuperation journey: Thursday's sunrise colors

I didn't post this photo at first but have since decided I like it.
Happy Saturday!