Friday, April 12, 2019

Seymour Historical Society program to highlight 19th century gypsies in CT

SEYMOUR - Gypsies who roamed Connecticut in the late 1800s will be the focus of a Seymour Historical Society program at 2 p.m. April 28.

Gypsies are usually viewed as being part of European culture. 
But these American gypsies - many from a British background - lived in the South during the winter and traveled north during warmer months. 
In Connecticut, they camped out, traded horses, and sold lace and jewelry. Exactly who were these wanderers and what was their story? 
Program host Beth Lapin will discuss her quest for answers, her discovery of the mysterious murder of a gypsy woman, and how her research led her to write a novel about gypsy culture called “Caravan of Dreams.”   

The Seymour Historical Society is located at 59 West St.
Admission is free for members, $5 for non-members. Seating is limited to 65, so arrive early to claim a seat. Doors open at 1 p.m. 
For more information, contact, call 203-881-2156, or visit

This is a press release from Seymour Historical Society. 

From the 2017 archives: Feathered friend

This photo came up in my Facebook memories from two years ago today.
Happy Friday!

Ansonia Transfer Station to have new hours starting June 1

Sharing information from the City of AnsonIa Facebook page:

"Effective June 1, 2019, the Ansonia Transfer Station will have the following "NEW Hours of Operation." Signs will be posted at the facility and flyers will be handed out informing residents as well. 
"Additionally - The City is trying to be more efficient without sacrificing city services. We don’t want the station open when there is minimal or reduced usage. Our PW resources could be used on other areas, on the days when the transfer station typically sees less traffic. The current trash and recycle schedule will not be changing."