Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Recuperation journey: A Sterling sky

Took this photo of the Sterling Opera House mid-afternoon Tuesday as I was leaving the Derby Post Office. The cloudless sky was a perfect blue.

'Turnback Tuesday' features Derby Savings Bank

Turnback Tuesday visits Derby Savings Bank.

The Bank started in 1846 at 168 Main St., and then 11 years later moved to the corner of Caroline and Main streets on the second floor. 
It purchased that property and rebuilt, staying until 1923 when they purchased a new facility on the corner of Olivia and Main streets. 
In 1976, it moved again to another new building, this one on the corner of Elizabeth and Main streets (shown). 
This was its final location until it was later purchased by Webster Bank. 
This building is now the home of Derby City Hall.

Thanks goes to the Derby Public Library staff for sharing interesting local history each week!

Community forum to focus on diversity in Ansonia schools

ANSONIA - Superintendent of Schools Carol Merlone and the Board of Education will host a forum, An Honest Conversation about Diversity in our Schools, from 5-8:30 p.m. Wednesday at the Boys and Girls Club, 28 Howard Ave.

Dinner will be served.

Read the story in the New Haven Register by my friend and correspondent extraordinaire Jean Falbo-Sosnovich.