Friday, September 21, 2018

Adam's House in Shelton to hold 'Talking to Heaven' program

SHELTON - Adam's House, a grief education center, will host a 'Talking to Heaven' presentation from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Sept. 30.

The hardest part of losing a loved one is feeling like we have lost our connection with them and are unable to communicate. 
What if you don’t have to lose that connection?
What if you could learn how to read the signs around you that your loved one is sending?

Francine Clausen, a medium and healer since birth, will present the program. She has conscious memories of spirit communication since the age of 7. 

She blocked her gifts for many years, but at the age of 42, after the passing of her mother, she decided to open up and trust again in her gifts. 

Francine began doing readings and healings in 1999, and is bringing her Talking to Heaven - Discover your Intuition class to Adam's House.
This class will teach you how to use your intuition and tap into your own spiritual gifts. 

Every student will learn a new way to use their gifts in areas of dream interpretation, aura visualization, the use of crystals, and more. 

Light refreshments will be provided and all proceeds will go to Adam's House.
Cost is $75.

Adam's House is located at 241 Coram Ave. For 
information call 203-513-2808 or

This is taken from a press release from Adam's House.