Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Recuperation journey: Fingers crossed

You know when you suddenly have an idea and then wonder why you hadn't thought of it sooner?
That happened to me this week, and today I acted on it.

I've slowly been going through my mother's things and there are boxes filled with lots of old photos, some of which are of people I don't recognize.
I found a few of my mother with her older brother, and of her brother's daughter, who is my only first cousin on my mother's side.
It dawned on me that I should try to locate her.

Thanks to the Internet I think I found her - fortunately I remembered her married name - and today I sent her a letter, and a print of a photo that I'm pretty sure is of her when she was about 4. I met her once or maybe twice when I was really young.  

Today I mailed the letter and now my fingers are crossed that she will get back in touch with me. Stay tuned!

Pantry at Spooner House in Shelton needs donations during summer

SHELTON - The Valley Food Bank operated by Spooner House typically gets very low on non-perishable supplies during the summer. 
This year is no exception.

"The need is primarily because children who rely on free or reduced breakfast and lunch in school are no longer receiving these important meals during the summer months," said Susan Agamy, Executive Director, Spooner House. 
“There is also a greater need for food banks this time of year by parents who need to find a way to provide these additional meals. In addition, many regular donors are on vacation. To help us through this difficult period, we have developed a list of the most needed items and ten ways any individual, family, or group in the Lower Naugatuck Valley can help us fight hunger this summer."
The food bank has a low supply of the following:

spaghetti/tomato sauce, peanut butter and jelly, soups/stews, canned tuna, canned chicken, beans, mixed fruit, rice, and packaged macaroni and cheese.
The list of ways anyone can help includes these suggestions:
1.     Run a neighborhood food drive
2.     Organize a food drive at a local grocery store. This is a particularly cool idea on hot days.
3.     Hold a lemonade stand to benefit Spooner House
4.     Shop on Go to Amazon Smile! then search for Area Congregations Together"
5.     Grow a garden and then donate your extra vegetables
6.     Take part in the Plumb Memorial Library summer reading program
7.     Collect non-perishables at your summer camp
8.     Run a restock the household supplies drive for the Spooner House
9.     Prepare an evening meal for the Spooner House residents. This can be done by a small group
10.  Make a tax-deductible monetary donation.

More detailed information on the ideas above can be found at 
If you have time this summer, please drop food items at Spooner House, 30 Todd Road, weekdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. though there is staff on duty 24/7.  
Contact the supervisor on duty to set up and assist with any donation delivery at 203-225-0453. 

Checks should be made payable and mailed to: Spooner House, and mailed to 30 Todd Road, 
Shelton CT 06484. Secure donations may also be made via PayPal by clicking on the Donate button at the 
bottom of the ACT Spooner House home page. 
Area Congregations Together, Inc. is a non-profit 501c3 organization and was formed in 1979 to help fill gaps in the lower Naugatuck Valley's social service network. 
Spooner House is operated by ACT and is a facility that provides food, shelter and support services to approximately 150 men, women and children during the year, annually for 5,000 people are providing approximately 108,000 meals. 
Spooner House is recognized as one of the most comprehensive emergency shelter programs in Connecticut and through its food bank provides 10 days' worth of groceries each month to participating families throughout the lower Naugatuck Valley. 
Spooner House is devoted to helping people establish self-sufficiency in an atmosphere of respect and dignity. 
Area Congregations Together, Inc. is a partner agency of the Valley United Way.

This is a press release from Area Congregations Together, Inc.

Blockheads building contest planned at Plumb Memorial Library in Shelton

SHELTON - Children are invited to participate in Plumb Memorial Library's first Blockheads Building Competition from 1-2 p.m. July 24.
Entrants will have one hour to create something out of Legos that represents our Summer Reading Theme: "Emojine a Summer at the Library." 

Our "Blockheads Building Judges" will judge the creations after the program is over to determine the winners!
Prizes will given out in three categories: Most Creative, Best Representation of the Summer Reading Theme, and Funniest Entry. Winning entrants will be phoned after the program to come pickup their prizes!
All aged children are welcome to participate. Registration is required by calling 203-924-1580 or online:…

The Library is at 65 Wooster St.

*Shared from the Shelton Library System Facebook page.

Griffin Hospital in Derby to host free talk on child safety

The Community Health Resource Center at Griffin Hospital will host a talk about child safety July 31./ Contributed photo

DERBY - The Community Health Resource Center at Griffin Hospital will host a free talk about child safety at 10:30 a.m. July 31.

Safe Kids Greater Naugatuck Valley Coalition Coordinator Cathi Kellett will present “Keeping Your Kids Safe,” a discussion about water safety, car seat safety, and poison prevention (medication safety).
This program is part of a series of free, educational forums hosted by the Community Health Resource Center in an effort to help improve the health of the community. 
To register or for more information, call Kerry or Deborah, 203-732-7399.

The hospital is at 130 Division St. 

The Community Health Resource Center at Griffin Hospital is a traditional library that provides an array of medical and health information, including a large collection of easy to read health and lifestyle related materials. The Center is open to the public to educate themselves on ways to enhance their well-being, prevent illness and play an active role in decisions about their health.

This is a press release from Griffin Hospital.

See a movie, learn floral design, more at Derby Neck Library

DERBY - The Derby Neck Library hosts Dinner and a Movie for ages 18 and older at 5:30 p.m. Aug. 2. 
This month’s feature film is “2001: A Space Odyssey” shown on a large screen in high definition.  
Free movie refreshments will be served, including a pizza dinner at intermission. 

Floral design
At 2:30 p.m. Aug. 4 the Library presents Larry Huzi, an award-winning floral designer.  
Huzi will demonstrate three floral arrangements of high originality and uniqueness. Come enjoy a masterful artist at work and learn how to use the beauty of fresh flowers in your home. 

Video game tournament
The Library hosts a Teen Video Game Tournament at 3 p.m. Aug. 7.
Come bring your friends, test your gaming skills, and win prizes. Free refreshments will be served. Teens and tweens are invited.

3-D Puzzle challenge
On Aug. 13 at 3 p.m. the Library will host a teen 3-D puzzle challenge.  
Come with friends and construct a unique 3-D plastic puzzle. Free refreshments will be served. Teens and tweens are invited.  

Herbal pillow workshop 
The Library hosts the Grounded Goodwife, a mother and daughter team of herbalists, at 6:30 p.m. Aug. 14.  
They will conduct a Herbal Sleep Pillow Workshop, and attendees will go home with their own self-created pillow for beneficial sleep.  
Registration is required; seating is limited. 

Women's Forum
On Aug. 20 at 12:30 p.m., the Library hosts Women’s Forum, a literary discussion group focusing on short stories.  
This month we read two stories on mystery themes; copies are available at the library.  
Bring a light lunch if you wish; we serve free coffee and tea.  

Evening Book Club
The Library hosts the Evening Book Club, which focuses on award-winning novellas and some memoirs, at 6:30 p.m. Aug. 27.  
This month’s selection is “Dawn” by Elie Wiesel. Copies are available at the library.  
Join us for an informative and stimulating evening. 

For information or to register for programs please call 203-734-1492.

This is a press release from Pat Sweeney, reference librarian, Derby Neck Library.