Ansonia cancels baseball game scheduled at 5

Forecast puts damper on event


Due to the severity of predicted thunderstorms arriving by 5 p.m. (game time) today, the college baseball game at Nolan Field has been cancelled. 

Wednesday rain date also remains in jeopardy due to Nolan Field's infield poor drainage. 
Any changes will be announced Wednesday morning.
As Kevin Costner said in the movie classic Bull Durham: "Baseball.....sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, sometimes it rains."
*Shared from the City of Ansonia Facebook page.

'Turnback Tuesday' honors all who serve in Armed Forces

Armed Forces Day is Saturday, May 19, so this week, "Turnback Tuesday" honors all of our men and women who have served / are serving in the Armed Forces. 
Pictured is the Soldiers Monument for the Civil War on the Derby Green. 
Monuments are also located on the Derby Green for local veterans of both World Wars as well as of Korea and Vietnam. Thank you for your service!

Thanks go out to the Derby Public Library for highlighting local history each week.

Ansonia renames street in honor of police chief

Ansonia Mayor David S. Cassetti, second from left, joins Ansonia Police officers Tuesday, National Police Memorial Day, to unveil a new sign renaming Railroad Avenue in honor of Chief Daniel J. Hayes. 
Hayes was killed in the line of duty in December, 1880. 

*Stay tuned for more photos in an upcoming edition of The Valley Voice newsletter.