Monday, March 5, 2018

Visit Derby Town Clerk to obtain fishing, hunting licenses

Opening day for trout and all fresh water fishing is April 14 

Sharing from Derby Town/City Clerk Marc Garofalo's Facebook page:

"You can get a Fishing or Hunting License at the Derby Town Clerk's Office or directly online. Here is a link:"

The licenses are free for senior citizens. 
Derby City Hall is at 1 Elizabeth St.

Valley Interfaith Council to meet in Shelton

SHELTON - The Valley Interfaith Council will meet at 9:30 a.m. Thursday at Valley United Way offices, 54 Grove St.
It will be an opportunity for all faith-based religions to learn from each other and become aware of the services and resources available in the Valley.

The meeting is open to Shelton, Derby, Ansonia, Seymour, Beacon Falls, and Naugatuck faith-based religions.

*This information is shared from an online community calendar sponsored by The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven and The New Haven Independent.

Shelton Marching Gaels to sponsor show Saturday at high school

SHELTON - The Shelton High School Marching Gaels will sponsor Indoor Percussion and Winter Guard shows Saturday at the high school, 120 Meadow St.

There will be 37 schools in the show. 
Indoor Percussion will perform from 3:30-6 p.m. and the Winter Guard will perform from 6-10:30 p.m. 

Admission is $10, $7, and $5.

*This information is shared from an online community calendar sponsored by The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven and The New Haven Independent.

Recuperation journey: Quick capture

Yep, another egg shell story.

8:30 a.m.: Sitting at the computer and I notice a blue jay pick up a shell and fly into the forsythia.  
I guess I can still move pretty fast because I was able to grab the camera and get these photos.

The question is, will he share a piece of shell with his feathered friends?