'Turnback Tuesday' features historic photo of Derby Public Library

Turnback Tuesday offers this charming photo of the Derby Public Library. 
The photo was taken by the famous Derby/Ansonia photographer, Clara Barton Tomlinson Drew. It shows the back entrance of the Library from Elizabeth Street. 
A pioneer among female photographers, Drew had a studio in her home on New Street, Ansonia (which was Derby until 1889). 
This picture was taken and gifted to the Derby Public Library in 1920.

Thanks as always to the Derby Public Library staff for sharing interesting local history each week.

Save the date: Assumption School in Ansonia slates Spring Auction

The 10th annual fundraiser will be held at 6 p.m. March 30 at Assumption Church hall, 61 N. Cliff St., Ansonia.

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Recuperation journey: Looking at the sky

  ... at 4:30 p.m. on my birthday. 
 Have a good evening!  

Concert in Hamden to benefit mental health services

HAMDEN - The fundraiser will be held at 8 p.m. Jan. 5 at The Rough Draft, 295 Treadwell St., Building H.

Recuperation journey: Birthday reflections

On my birthday I have many good memories of childhood parties, dinners out, cake, lots of cake, and never having to go to school on my special day. 

But the best memory of all is the perfect gift I received on my birthday in 1988: our daughter Allegra! 

Happy, Happy Birthday to our beautiful and talented daughter. May your days be merry and bright and may 2019 be your best year yet.


Kids invited to read to Spirit at Derby Neck Library

Spirit is a great listener.
DERBY - Derby Neck Library Children's Librarian Miss Kathy will host another popular B.A.R.K. program at 5 p.m. Jan. 16 when all ages are invited to drop in and BE A READING KID to a guest dog.

Spirit, a Newfoundland, is a great listener and will be here once again for children to read to. You can bring your own book or choose one of ours from the library. And if children simply want to stop in to just say hello and visit, that’s cool too.
No registration is needed, just drop in. 

The Library is at 307 Hawthorne Ave.

This info is shared from the Library's Facebook page.

Hot Stove Roundup slated for Silver Sluggers at Derby Public Library

DERBY - Derby Public Library will host Hot Stove Roundup sessions for Silver Sluggers at 10 a.m. on Thursdays, Jan. 3-31.
Ansonia resident Rich Marazzi, radio sports talk host, author, and MLB rules consultant and his Silver Sluggers discuss Major League Baseball to help get them through the off season. 
Drop in.

The 14th season of the weekly Silver Sluggers will begin at 10 a.m. April 4 in the Library’s Meeting Room. 
These informal sessions are held every Thursday  at 10 a.m. throughout the baseball season. 
New members of all ages are welcome! The Library is at 313 Elizabeth St.
For more information, visit www.derbypubliclibrary.org or call the Reference Desk, 203-736-1482.

This information is shared from an online calendar sponsored by The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven and the New Haven Independent. 

Friday, December 28, 2018

Learn to organize at Beacon Falls Public Library

BEACON FALLS - Join Jan Baltrush from Find Your Stuff at 6:30 p.m. Thursday at Beacon Falls Public Library and learn what to do to start the new year off right.

Having trouble clearing clutter? 
Learn helpful tips for taming those paper piles and organizing your life. 
Registration is requested. 

The Library is at 10 Maple Ave.

This is shared from the Library's Facebook page.

Ansonia police chief to retire in February

Chief Kevin Hale photographed in his office earlier this year.
ANSONIA - Police Chief Kevin Hale announced late Friday afternoon that he will retire Feb. 15 after serving 18 years as chief.

Read the New Haven Register story here by reporter Michael P. Mayko.

Knights of Columbus Council #28 donates children's coats to TEAM

Members of the Knights of Columbus – St. Mary the Immaculate Conception Council #28 recently presented Kellie German Santiago, Development and Communications Manager at TEAM, Inc., center, with 48 new children’s coats for those in need in the Lower Naugatuck Valley./ Contributed photo

DERBY - Knights of Columbus Council #28 at St. Mary the Immaculate Conception Church recently donated 48 brand new children’s coats to TEAM Inc.
The coats cost approximately $1,000, and the Knights sold “Keep Christ in Christmas” car magnets to raise fund for the purchase.
The donation is part of the Knights of Columbus Coats for Kids program, which allows councils across North America to purchase new winter coats for children at a discount and to distribute them to children in need in their local communities. 
Since the program’s launching in 2009, nearly 500,000 coats have been distributed in 49 states and all 10 Canadian provinces. In winter 2017 alone, the Knights of Columbus distributed 105,192 coats in 1,600 communities throughout the U.S. and Canada, including events at military bases, in Native American communities, at inner-city neighborhoods, and through partnerships with local police and fire departments.

Founded in 1965, TEAM (Training, Education, and Manpower) is a community action agency serving 10 communities in the Lower Naugatuck Valley. 
TEAM provides critical human and social services to over 5,000 families in the Lower Naugatuck Valley and also the neighboring towns of Bethany, Milford, Orange, and Woodbridge.

This is a press release from the Knights of Columbus Council #28.

Derby Neck Library to host movies, history lecture, more

DERBY - The Derby Neck Library begins its second year of watching streaming features at “Tuesday Afternoon Tea-V” at 1 p.m. Jan. 8. 
To start the year the fare is Mystery Matinee—featuring Agatha Christie’s famous Belgian detective, Hercule Poirot, portrayed by distinguished actor David Suchet.  
Following each film is a discussion session. Free tea and biscuits are served throughout the showing.  
This is a free event; no registration is required. 

Valley Labor History
At 6:30 p.m. Jan. 17 the Library presents a powerpoint program on “Valley Labor History.”  
Researched and narrated by Patricia Sweeney, Ph.D., this lecture focuses on the most intense, dramatic events circa 1915-1919, when the lower Naugatuck Valley had a high rate of labor disruption and attracted notice from prominent labor leaders. 
Manufacturing companies discussed include Farrel of Ansonia and Blumenthal of Shelton, among others.  
This is a free event; no registration is required.  

Teen Movie Choice
The Library hosts Teen Movie Choice at 2 p.m. Jan. 19.  
All teens and tweens are invited to a free film with movie refreshments provided, including pizza. 
Attendees get to vote on the feature to be screened from a select list of recent releases and proven classics. Registration is required, as seating is limited to 20 people.  

Women's Forum
On Jan. 21 at 12:30 p.m., the Library hosts Women’s Forum, a literary discussion group.  This month’s focus is on two short stories involving strange events:“All But Empty” by Graham Greene and “How It Happened” by Arthur Conan Doyle.  
Copies of the stories are available free prior to the meeting. Feel free to bring a light lunch; we serve coffee and tea.  

VITA volunteers
On Jan. 27 from 1-4 p.m., the Library opens its Community Room for use by VITA volunteer tax preparers.  
Participants must call TEAM in Derby, 203-736-5420 for information and to schedule an appointment.  
Throughout tax season, the VITA group will be at the library on Sunday afternoons.

Evening Book Club
The Library hosts the Evening Book Club at 6:30 p.m. Jan. 28. 
This month’s selection is “The Inheritance,” a novella by Louisa May Alcott.  
Copies of the book are available at the library prior to the meeting.  
Join us for an informative and stimulating talk moderated by Patricia Sweeney, Ph.D.

The Library is at 307 Hawthorne Ave. For information call 203-734-1492 .

This is a press release from Patricia Sweeney, reference librarian, Derby Neck Library.

Winter Reading Club slated at Derby Public Library

DERBY - The Derby Public Library reminds adults it’s cool to read with the re-launch of its Winter Reading Club for Adults, Cabin Fever, beginning Jan. 2 and running through Feb. 28. 

Readers, ages 18 and over, are invited to play Cabin Fever BINGO this winter! 
To play, complete the categories listed on your BINGO card and cross off the appropriate square. 
Every BINGO you get earns you an entry in the prize drawing. A completely filled BINGO card equals 12 drawing entries! 
BINGO cards are available at the Circulation Desk, and can be downloaded from the library’s website starting Jan. 2, 2019. 
Completed cards may be turned in at the Circulation Desk. 
Cards must be received by Feb. 28, to be entered into the drawing. You may submit more than one finished BINGO card. 

The winning ticket will be drawn March 1. A ‘Spring’s a-Comin’ celebration for all club members, will be held at 6:30 p.m. March 4. All attendees will have a chance to win a grand prize.
The Library is at 313 Elizabeth St.

*This information is shared from the library's January/February newsletter. 

Thursday, December 27, 2018

'Turnback Tuesday' on Thursday: Yuletide traditions

'Turnback Tuesday' from Derby Public Library checks out two holiday traditions. 
The “Yule" or "Yule Log”, originally a Nordic tradition, started with the gathering of an entire tree to burn in the fire, one end placed in the fireplace and the rest in the room. 
The log would be slowly fed into the fire for the 12 days of Christmas. Next is the Poinsettia plant, a native of Central America/Mexico. Joel Roberts Poinsett was the first Ambassador for the U.S. to Mexico in 1825. He was introduced to the native flower and became interested. He sent the plant home to South Carolina, grew them and gave them as gifts to friends. 
Thus, the Poinsettia tradition began.

Thanks as always to the Derby Public Library staff for sharing interesting items from history each week.

Recuperation journey: Holiday tradition

Today is Day 2 of leftover lasagna for breakfast! 


Wednesday, December 26, 2018

'Wonderland' at Griffin Hospital in Derby raises $9K for Spooner House

8th annual holiday fundraiser for area needy
Susan Agamy, Executive Director, Spooner House, left, joined Kim Hall, Senior Applications Coordinator, Griffin Hospital, and hospital staff in drawing tickets Dec. 19 for the Holiday Wonderland of Trees fundraiser./ Contributed photo

DERBY- Griffin Hospital’s annual Holiday Wonderland of Trees fundraiser collected nearly $9,000 for Spooner House in Shelton to help feed and shelter area families in need this winter.
As part of Griffin’s Planetree Person-Centered Care Philosophy, the Holiday Wonderland of Trees calls on hospital departments to decorate three-foot artificial evergreen trees that are raffled off. 

The fundraiser aims to help improve health in the community by supporting the Spooner House’s services.

This is the eighth year of the fundraiser, which has raised more than $56,000 in total.

This is a press release from Griffin Hospital.

Klarides-Ditria to take GOP lead on Regulation Review Committee

State Rep. Nicole Klarides-Ditria

HARTFORD - State Rep. Nicole Klarides-Ditria of Seymour will take the House Republican lead on the Legislative Regulation Review Committee when the 2019 Legislative Session begins Jan. 9
Klarides-Ditria will also continue serving on the Public Health and Finance, Revenue, and Bonding Committees.

"Overly burdensome regulations have frustrated many residents and industries in Connecticut," said Klarides-Ditria. 
"I think for our state to move in a new direction we need to make sure any new regulation that is put into place is looked at very closely and all stakeholders have a voice. This is the approach I will take as the Ranking Member of the Regulation Review Committee." 

The Legislative Regulation Review Committee is responsible to review regulations proposed by state agencies and approve them before regulations are implemented. 
This position was adopted since all regulations have the force of law, and it is important that regulations do not contravene the legislative intent, or conflict with current state or federal laws, or state or federal constitutions.

Klarides-Ditria can be reached at 860-240-8700 or by email Nicole.Klarides-Ditria@housegop.ct.gov.

This is a press release from Klarides-Ditria's office.

Talk on hip replacement slated at Griffin Hospital in Derby

DERBY - Griffin Hospital will offer a free presentation on minimally invasive hip replacement surgery at 5:45 p.m. Jan. 16 at the hospital, 130 Division St.

Orthopedic surgeon Philip Minotti, MD, will discuss the advanced direct anterior approach for hip replacement, which offers important advantages over standard surgical procedures. Direct anterior hip replacement patients generally experience less pain along with a shorter length of stay in the hospital and faster recovery. 
Minotti will be available at the end of the presentation to answer any questions.

These seminars are offered monthly at Griffin Hospital. Refreshments will be served.

For more information or to reserve your spot, call Griffin Hospital Orthopaedic Care Specialist Amy Gagne, 203-732-7524.

This is a press release from Griffin Hospital.

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Recuperation journey: Christmas tradition

In keeping with my Christmas morning tradition I'm wrapping a few last presents for the family in between making pancakes.

Please don't judge!

Monday, December 24, 2018

Recuperation journey: Beautiful sight

Wonderful to wake up to a dusting of snow on Christmas Eve. 

Recuperation journey: Cardinals among us

"May you come to find comfort in and remember:
Cardinals appear when angels are near.
So go now, sit outside and drink your tea.
Keep a look out for the little red bird —
It is there, your loved one will be."

- Victoria McGovern 

I love this cardinal ornament I bought from a talented friend who lives in Seymour. 
She had posted a photo of it online and I was one of many, many readers who wanted one. I'm wondering how many she created!

My mother died in 2016 and since then I have seen so many cardinals in our yard that I had never noticed before. 
I like to think it's a sign she's visiting me and watching over our family.

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Recuperation journey: Sunday sunset

 Who needs presents when one has a view like this?

Ho, ho, ho! Today is Popcorn Ball Sunday in Ansonia

Sharing from City of Ansonia Facebook page:
Santa will join firefighters to give out popcorn balls throughout the city today. Listen for the sirens!

A holiday tradition in the Valley.

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Recuperation journey: On the 12th Day of pink bear fun

Day 12 - Last night clever pink bear figured out how to get online to read about herself on my blog. 

The Twelve Days of Bear in the Chair have ended. Thanks for following along with my holiday fun.  

Merry Christmas to all! 🎄

Smoking cessation program to start at Griffin Hospital in Derby

DERBY - Griffin Hospital offers free education, advice, and support to help individuals prepare to quit smoking with its four-week smoking cessation program starting Jan. 2.

“That’s It - Learn to Quit” teaches a variety of methods to help individuals quit smoking. 
The program consists of Wednesday night meetings from 5:30-7 p.m. scheduled for Jan. 2, 9, 16, and 23 at the Center for Cancer Care at Griffin Hospital, 350 Seymour Ave.
There is also a “reunion” for graduates of the program on Jan. 30 at 5:30 p.m. in the Center.

“The goal of the program is to help you learn how to quit,” said Richard Le Pera, a co-coordinator of the program. “There are different methods of quitting and managing nicotine withdrawal. If one method didn’t work for you in the past we’ll help you understand all your options.”
Through group discussion and interactive activities, participants learn how to develop a quit plan that addresses their personal behaviors and habits. 
Strategies to manage nicotine withdrawal, behaviors, triggers, and urges are discussed as well as weight control and stress management.
Participants must be prepared to attend all four sessions.
To register for “That’s It - Learn to Quit,” call 203-732-7106.

This is a press release from Griffin Hospital.

Master's Table slates 2 meals in January at church hall in Ansonia

Sharing a note from Jim Fedak, president, Master's Table Community Meals:

Since I am having computer problems I cannot send our January 2019 flyer. 
The following are the dates and times:
Both will be on Sundays from 3:30 p.m.-5 p.m. January 6 and 27 at Assumption Church hall, 61 N. Cliff St., Ansonia.
Please call 203-732-7792 if cancelled due to weather.

Recuperation journey: What's up, tall guy?

Day 11 - I found my mischievous Pink Bear this morning visiting large snowman. She climbed up on Alexa to try to make eye contact.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Citizenship classes slated at Valley Regional Adult Education in Shelton

SHELTON - Valley Regional Adult Education will offer a citizenship class at 5:30 p.m. Jan. 16.
To become an American citizen is a dream of many who come to this country. 
Citizenship classes teach American History and Government in preparation for the citizenship exam and interview.

Must be a resident of Ansonia, Derby, Monroe, Seymour, or Shelton to participate in this program. Classes are FREE. 

Valley Regional Adult Education is located at 415 Howe Ave.
For information call 203-924-6651.

*Shared from the VRAE Facebook page.

Recuperation journey: Day 10 - Caroling in the morning

This morning I found pink bear ready to sing some Christmas carols with her new snowlady friend, Carol.

Recuperation journey: Christmas coincidence?

Last night as I was driving home from a meeting two deer ran in front of the car ahead of me on Prindle Avenue in Ansonia, near the intersection with Pulaski Highway. 
Of course we both stopped and waited until they crossed the road.

At the meeting a friend had given me a Christmas gift. 
When I got home and opened the bag, this is what I found:

A beautiful glass ornament with two deer. Coincidence? I think not!

Recuperation journey: Chilly day

This bird isn't concerned about how many shopping days are left 'til Christmas. 
But I just might be. It seems December goes by so quickly.

Recuperation journey: Trying out new wheelchair

Pink bear wanted to be the first to try out my husband Ralph's shiny new wheelchair. 
That's where I found her this morning on Day 9, hanging around with a friend.

Derby Public Library to hold YA Wednesdays in January

DERBY - The Derby Public Library invites all young adults ages 12 to 17 to join the fun of YA Wednesdays during January. 

The meetings are held from 6-7:30 p.m.
Sony Play Station Four (PS4), Nintendo Wii, board games, and Legos will be available. 

Light refreshments will be provided. 
For more information stop by the Library, 313 Elizabeth St., call 203-736-1482, or visit www.derbypubliclibrary.org.

This is a press release from Tony DeLos, young adult librarian, Derby Public Library.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Greater Valley Chamber of Commerce WIN grant recipients congratulated

Contributed photo

Congratulations to the 2018 WIN (Women in Networking) Entrepreneurial Grant Recipients:

Kashia Diaz Cave, MCK Gourmet

Rebecca Hopkins, No Label Design

Patty Taylor, Taylor Made Fitness

Kristen Marano, The Better Beagle Co.

Lana Alkhatib, The Zaatar Shop

*Information shared from the Greater Valley Chamber of Commerce newsletter.

Recuperation journey: Day 8 - Getting into the spirit

This morning I found pink bear hanging out with Norm the Gnome. At least she wasn't swinging from a light fixture today.

'Turnback Tuesday' features Derby Public Library construction

Turnback Tuesday shows what the Derby Public Library looked like while under construction. 
Made of Ansonia granite and Portland cement, the concrete foundation has dimensions of 57’ by 59’. The floors and roof are supported by iron columns and steel girders. 
The building is of colonial architecture and boasts a Spanish tile roof. Granite steps lead up to the back entrance. 
Best guess is the photo was taken in early spring 1902, by Eagle Photo Co., Fall River, Mass. 
The Library was officially opened to the public February 2, 1903.

*Thanks as always to the Derby Public Library staff for sharing interesting local history each week.