Saturday, December 30, 2017

Recuperation journey: Snow day + sniffles = hibernating

Stayed inside today, and when I turned on the flood light to see the amount of snow in the backyard I saw this reflection.
I thought it looked like Christmas lights strung on a ghostly tree. 

Or maybe not. 

Starbucks' Project Give Good supports Seymour Pink

Cassandra Dessureau-O'Hara, left, presents gift cards from Starbucks of Seymour to Mary Deming, Seymour Pink founder, at the nonprofit's gift shop, 3 FranklinSt., Seymour. /Submitted photo

SEYMOUR - Mary Deming, founder of Seymour Pink, said Friday on the nonprofit's Facebook page that Starbucks of Seymour, through their manager Cassandra Dessureau-O'Hara, presented Seymour Pink with 25 $20 gift cards to Starbucks.
"We are so grateful to Cassandra and to Starbucks!," Deming said. #GiveGood#ProjectGiveGood #Starbucks.

Press release is below: 
Seymour Pink recognized in Starbucks’ Project Give Good
Throughout December, Starbucks is giving out $1 million in Starbucks gift cards. Unexpected acts, large or small, can be so meaningful that even years later, they’ll be warmly remembered. “The inspiration behind Project Give Good is simple, we want to brighten the holidays and delight our customers,” said Kris Engskov, executive vice president of U.S. Retail for Starbucks. 
“The holidays are here and good is in the air. We hope Project Give Good will continue all the good in our communities and keep it going and growing, because good is contagious and giving is too."
Seymour Pink was nominated by Cassandra Dessureau-O’Hara, manager of Starbucks of Seymour. 
"I believe this organization deserves the recognition because there are far too many men and women getting the breast cancer diagnosis and during their time of need, Seymour Pink is there to bring them a little light in the face of terrible darkness,” she said.
In 2017, Seymour Pink donated $25,000 to Smilow Cancer Center to help women currently receiving chemotherapy to use the Scalp Cooling Modality minimizing hair loss. 

Seymour Pink has approved 110 applications for financial assistance to people undergoing treatment, so they can focus on their fight and not their bills. 
The sixth annual Pounding the Pavement for Pink 5K in October drew an astonishing 2,600 participants and raised more than $100,000 for their mission. 
Seymour Pink was given the honor in 2017 of being a charity partner at the Marine Corps Marathon in Washington, D.C. This was a huge opportunity and it shows the organization's reach is growing.
Mary Deming, Seymour Pink founder and President, said she was honored to be recognized by Starbucks. 
“All of the financial assistance and emotional support that we have been able to give these families this year is the result of this community saying YES to the fight. You have brought HOPE and STRENGTH and COURAGE to so many people struggling with breast cancer!

Seymour Pink is a 501(c)3 organization whose mission is to unite a community in the fight against breast cancer. Through fundraising efforts, their goal is to fund breast cancer research, provide education, and to empower and assist breast cancer victims and their families.