Recuperation journey: Quick update

Since I know many readers saw my post yesterday about Cameron - he of fractured hip fame - venturing to Long Island via several trains, I wanted to post a quick update. 

He did really well! I'm sure it boosted his confidence. 

The fun part is that just as Cameron arrived at his destination on L.I., he bumped into his co-workers dropping someone off at the station. 

Perfect timing! He didn't have to call a cab to get to the office. 
I told him there are no coincidences.

TEAM in Derby receives $250 for Toys 4 Kids campaign

Sharing from TEAM, Inc.'s Facebook page:

"Thank You Jeff Blanco and John Corraro from Barnum Financial Foundation for Life for presenting TEAM a check for $250 to support Toys 4 Kids."

3D printing topic of teen meeting at Derby Public Library

DERBY - The Derby Public Library invites all young adults ages 12-17 to Teen Maker Space’s Build a Better World, from 3-4:30 p.m. Dec. 28.

Available resources include 3D design programs, 3D printer, 3D doodle pens, Legos, and more! 

Light refreshments will be provided. 
Registration is requested. 
For more information stop by the Library, 313 Elizabeth St., call 203-736-1482, or visit

This is a press release from Tony DeLos, young adult librarian, Derby Public Library.

Ansonia holds Day of Remembrance on 76th anniversary of Pearl Harbor

Disabled Vietnam veteran Patrick Freeman, commander, Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 597, Comcowich-Carver, speaks at an annual Pearl Harbor remembrance ceremony Thursday morning at Veterans Park in Ansonia. At right is master of ceremony Peter J. Danielczuk.

*Please stay tuned for more photos in the next edition of the Valley Voice newsletter.  

Seymour Middle School Glee Club performs at Radio City Music Hall

Sharing from the Seymour Public Schools Facebook page:  

The Seymour Middle School Glee Club under the direction of music teacher Nate Dobas performed at Radio City Music Hall in New York City Tuesday. 
The Glee Club did a wonderful job and we are very proud of them!

Congratulations to the students and their music teacher on this great honor! They certainly created memories to last a lifetime.

Celebrate Shelton thanks supporters of 4th annual tree lighting

A message to community from Jimmy Tickey:

"Thank you for attending our Fourth Annual Community Tree Lighting. We were so pleased by the overwhelming crowd for this special evening.

"We would like to thank the Shelton Intermediate School Choir and Susanna Wesley School students for their performances, as well as the Boys & Girls Club of the Lower Naugatuck Valley for providing cookies and hot chocolate.

"Thank you to the City of Shelton, Valley Community Foundation, Jones Family Farm, and Center Stage Theatre for making this event possible.
"As always, thank you to Santa for spreading the spirit of Christmas."

Tickey is a member of Celebrate Shelton.