Mangling a classic song and amusing myself

In the first week post-transplant my doctors gave to me: five Prograf, four CellCept, two Prednisone, and an Acyclovir three times a day.

I'm taking several more meds, but that would ruin the "Twelve Days of Christmas" melody I attempted to replicate.

The meds are for anti-rejection and anti-infection. I'm getting the hang of when to take what and how many.

And how, you might ask, have they affected moi? 

Two words: weird dreams. The kind of weirdness you're too embarrassed to share with your closest family and friends. 
I hope they will taper off eventually. Fingers crossed!

Besides popping pills, my daily schedule includes checking my blood pressure, pulse, temperature, and weight for any major changes.

A visiting nurse came to see me yesterday; I think she is only going to visit once more. We agreed it doesn't seem necessary.

This continues to be a non-stop adventure, but it gives me something to blog about when I'm home by myself during the day. 

I certainly don't want to get squirrelly.

Landmark Ansonia music store completes renovation

Contributed photo
ANSONIA - The renovation of Banko’s Music, 360 E. Main St., is nearly complete with the addition of a new storefront sign. It replaces the 70’s “feeling groovy” signage predecessor.

Joe Shapiro of Shelton acquired the 1955-founded Ansonia landmark last year and has since completely renovated the interior retail space, exterior façade and second floor offices, which also double as space for weekly open jam sessions and  music lessons.
A grand opening will be held this summer.

This is a press release from the City of Ansonia.