Sharing silliness on Thanksgiving Day

Q. What was the Pilgrims' favorite music?

A. Plymouth Rock.

Cassetti thankful for support of city residents

Sharing this from the City of Ansonia Facebook page:

This Thanksgiving we should all dedicate time to being grateful for our numerous blessings. Our wonderful community here in Ansonia is certainly one blessing that must never be taken for granted.

We have many members of our community to be thankful for. The sacrifices made by our veterans – particularly those serving overseas right now – stand out foremost in my mind. We should also remember the service of our police officers, firefighters, EMS, and their work to keep us safe and secure.

It’s important to recognize even the small contributions of our friends and neighbors; the support and friendship we extend to each other on a daily basis. Let’s keep in mind that there no obstacle we cannot overcome when we are united as one community.

I personally would like to thank Ansonia residents for all the support they have shown me and my administration over the past three years. Managing a city is no easy task, but your kind words, advice, and guidance have made this job one of the greatest experiences in my life.

May God bless each of you and our great city.

Mayor David S. Cassetti