Sunday, July 24, 2016

'Priceless' tag sale in Ansonia to benefit Valley nonprofits

Ansonia resident Chris German is holding a tag sale featuring a variety of items on weekends this summer at his house, 26 New St. There are no prices on the items; German said he is just asking for donations that will be given to three Valley organizations.

Stay tuned for a story and more photos in an upcoming Valley Voice newsletter.

Derby Public Library to host scrapbooking workshop for kids

DERBY - Children ages 8-13 are invited to Derby Public Library at 1 p.m. Tuesday for a fun program about special memories! 

Join Elaine Langsam in a guided program focusing on designing, making, and decorating your very own scrapbook. 
All materials are provided, but feel free to bring your own photos and memories to add in.
Registration is required. 

For information call 203-736-1482.

The Library is at 313 Elizabeth St. 

This information is shared from an online community calendar sponsored by The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven and The New Haven Independent.