Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Derby official seeks donations for SVDP food bank

Sharing a message from Marc Garofalo, Derby Town Clerk: 

"Dear City of Derby Colleagues and Friends,

"Thank you very much!  
"With your help, we delivered 30 jars of jelly to the St. Vincent DePaul Food Bank today.  If you still have jelly, please drop it off at City Hall or directly at St. Vincent DePaul. A great effort for just under 10 days of the month.

"We’re deeming this month as Fancy February as Spring is set to arrive early this year! This month we will be collecting Mayonnaise for the St. Vincent DePaul Food Bank. The staff tells us that they distribute a great deal of tuna fish but they are short on “Mayo,” so we’re here to help.

"Please consider donating a jar Mayonnaise and bringing it the Town / City Clerk’s Office by the end of February we will deliver it then.

"Don’t forget it’s leap year so we have an extra day to help feed those who need food in the Valley.

"Please forward to friends, relatives, associates and colleagues. We appreciate your support. 

"Thank you for your cooperation and possible participation."

Irving School in Derby, Beyond Differences kick off No One Eats Alone Day

DERBY- Lunch can be the longest part of the school day for some youth who feel alone and socially isolated at their school.

Irving School and Beyond Differences announces the launch of No One Eats Alone Day at Irving School at 2 p.m. Feb. 10.

With social isolation and bullying now seen as chronic problems in our schools, this initiative will seek to reverse these trends by asking students to engage in a simple act of kindness at lunch – making sure that no one is eating alone.

“Today we are holding No One Eats Alone Day here at Irving School,” said Principal Jennifer Olson. 

“Our third, fourth, and fifth graders will learn about social isolation, and during their lunch they will do activities to encourage students to sit with others and engage in conversation. Students will see the 'Be the One' video from Beyond Differences. I want to thank Beyond Differences and their partners for their tireless efforts to tackle an issue which has been ignored for too long.”

Beyond Differences is a non-profit organization dedicated to ending social isolation in schools across the country.

“We believe that No One Eats Alone Day will be a game changer for Derby children," said Beyond Differences President Laura Talmus.

“A student being isolated at lunch signals the beginning of many problems which have come to plague our schools – with the most shocking examples being bullying and violence," she said.

"We want to reverse these frightening trends by asking students to engage in a simple act of kindness at lunch – making sure that no one is eating alone. Beyond Differences is proud to announce the No One Eats Alone Initiative.”

This is a press release from Derby Public Schools.

Branford man to present African-American artifacts at Ansonia Middle School

Ansonia Library to host preview of exhibit

ANSONIA - Jeffrey Fletcher of Branford will present his collection of African-American artifacts in two programs Feb. 24 at Ansonia Middle School, 115 Howard Ave. 

His collection ranges from slave shackles, documentation where children, men and women were sold along with property as well as livestock, to the fight for civil rights and the barriers to equality. 

Original games, postcards, and toys promoting stereotypes of African-Americans are some of the items that will be on display.   

The exhibit is a collection of imagery and items which reflect the decades of turbulent times for African-Americans in the United States during the period of slavery up to the Civil Rights movement, including original pictures, signs, statues, and KKK regalia which are chronicled as being significant in the history of African- Americans. 

It will provide everyone an opportunity to experience a powerful visual display of what motivated the trailblazers and pioneers who forged the way for equality as well as freedom for African-Americans today. 

A lifelong Branford resident, Fletcher is one of four children raised by parents who migrated from the South at early ages during the turbulent years of “Jim Crow” and the early Civil Rights era. 

His desire to bring a sad and troubling part of Black American History to the forefront was inspired by his parents, siblings, and daughter. He uses the artifacts and memorabilia from his collection to tell his parents’ story as well as the thousands of African-Americans who survived the extremes of overt racism and discrimination.

Fletcher will give two presentations, at 8:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. 

The exhibit will be located in the school auditorium. It is free and open to the public. 

A preview exhibit will be on display at the Ansonia Library, 53 S. Cliff St. starting Feb. 10, according to information from the Friends of the Ansonia Library.

This is a press release from the Friends of the Ansonia Library.

Pediatric dentist opens 'kid-friendly' office in Derby

A dental office has opened at 36 Division St., Derby.

DERBY - A play area in the waiting room, brightly colored walls, and cartoon character signs all add up to an innovative and welcoming space for a pediatric dental office.

Dr. Julia Bonks, owner of ConnectiKIDZ, hosted a grand opening celebration Monday in the former Captain's Pizza restaurant site at 36 Division St.

Greater Valley Chamber of Commerce President Bill Purcell noted Mayor Anita Dugatto, who was on hand for the celebration, is also a dentist. 

"The message here for you, Julia, is that you too can be mayor," Purcell said with a smile.

From left: Dr. Kenneth Dobuler, chair, Department of Medicine at Griffin Hospital in Derby, Dr. Roman Spivak, pulmonologist and critical care specialist and husband of Dr. Julia Bonks, pediatric dentist, and Derby Mayor Anita Dugatto, also a dentist, cut a ribbon Monday in the office.

Dugatto said there is a need for dentists in the area. She congratulated Bonks and welcomed her to Derby.

Bonks is an active member of the Greater Valley Chamber of Commerce as well as the Health Council for the Greater Valley Region. She is a medical staff member at Griffin Hospital where she holds privileges in providing pediatric dental care.

Bonks' husband, Dr. Roman Spivak, said they tried to make the space as "child friendly" as possible. 

Spivak said he's a Russian immigrant and his wife immigrated from Latvia.
"We came as immigrants and we're here to stay, to serve, and to make friends. The Chamber (of Commerce) has been
more than accommodating," he said. 
"This is our American Dream," Spivak added. "We're touched by the turnout and we're ready to work."

Vibrant colors are found throughout the office space.

And cute signs aimed at the young set dot the walls.

And my favorite:

On Friday Bonks will hold a Give Kids a Smile Day screening event.

You can read all about it here: